BNC to Strip with RG316
DIN RA to F Jack with RG179 D.S.
DIN Str to F Jack with RG179 D.S.
H.FL(HRS) with 1.48
Coax CableIPEX to IPEX with 0.81 Coax Cable
IPEX to SMB with 1.32 D.S. Coax Cable
IPEX to Strip with 1.13 Coax Cable (ferrite)
IPEX to Strip with 1.13 Coax Cable
IPEX(III) to IPEX(III) with 0.81 Coax Cable
Murata to FME with 1.13 Coax Cable
TNC to SMB with NFD100
Phone (+886):(03)3896215
Address:No.249, Puding 6th St., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Address:No.249, Puding 6th St., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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